CSDP+ for Windows
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Rah AFzar Tarh
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Added features in version 10.3
Possibility to include or exclude gradient analysis when analysing longitudinal profile along the route
Possibility to jump quickly to different cross sections in Normal mode
Possibility to use AASHTO standards instead of standards 415 when calculating K values for vertical curves in crest for calculating passing sight distances
Possibility to change elevations of constructed section points in one step in "Batch Section Information" dialog box
Possibility to display and print New jersy icon instead of guard rail icon at median in "Extended highway" profile type
A new toolbar named "Tablet Useful Mouse Buttons and Keys" for working on Windows tablets
A new utility named CSDP-Notes for gathering user's notes with regarding to different topics while working in CSDP-Pro
Possibility to specify new Application, Topic, Category and Sub-Category in CSDP-Notes utility
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Most important features Added in version 10.7
Possibility to have control over pavement shape in Type B and D in "Extended highway" profile type
Possibility to specify pavement edge slope in median in Highway profile type
Possibility to consider effect of project lines' grades in calculating pavement layers thicknesses
Possibility to consider effect of project lines' grades in calculating compaction layers thicknesses
Possibility to consider constructed shape for only one side of the road
Presenting a new construction basis named as Fixed when specifying constructed section points
A new algorithm (a new check box named EP2) to get more optimized project lines in pipe line projects
Possibility to display and prine gallery shape in "Extended highway" cross sections
Possibility to use gallery and tunnel templates in "Extended highway" cross sections
Possibility to have an offset value for placement of tunnels and galleries in cross sections
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Added features with regarding CSDP-Books
A new environment named as CSDP-Books to present digital form of reference manual
Possibility to access different topics in reference manual in every diaog box by using a new Book shape button, and selecting a topic from the list
Possibility to zoom and/or pan in reference manual and other useful keys for navigation through it
Possibility to highlight texts with different colors and different thicknesses and possibility for selecting and erasing highlights
Possibilities for searching through table of contents and through highlights
Possibility to save highlights within the reference manual
Possibility to categorize related topics under "Favourites Sets"
Possibility to have up to 20 different "Favourites Sets"
Possibility to bookmark a page
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