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Since 1990, we have developed a series of applications software pertaining to route design and analysis.
The first application software named as CSDP was designed to facilitate the task of design and analysis of different types of routes including Roadways, highways, railways, freeways and other types of road. The latest version of this software named as CSDP for Windows version 9.85 now is in operation under many projects in Iran and abroad.

In 1996, a new series of application software was developed named as CSDP-CD designed to perform similar task as CSDP but in canal and drainage projects. The latest Version of this application software named as CSDP-CD for Windows version 7.13 now is in operation in the relevant projects.

In 1999, another application software was developed named as CSDPMAP for Windows. This new generation of application software helps engineers in surving projects for deriving topography maps, along with fully functional CAD Drafting Engine.
In addition to this major objective of developing this application software, it is designed to act as a powerful platform for GIS modeling. It supports a variety of databases including Access, SQL Server, and Oracle.

From the year 2000, the policy of firm was changed slightly to have more activities on abroad. In this regard a new division is established in the company for offshore development giving IT Services to the Companies not in the country.

One of the major activities from the year 2000 until year 2001 was developing applications software and utilities for a company in Belgium named as Chaudfontaine Monopole. One of the applications software we developed for this company named as HomeDelivery was designed to handle the task of delivering Chaudfontaine Products to the customers at their homes.
At the same time, we were also working with a newly established company in Canada named as LivingOnline for the Website development and maintenance.

In years 2003-2004 , two new applications software are introduced to the engineering society, named as CSDP+ for Windows, and CSDP-Scene for Windows :
CSDP+ for Windows is the new generation of CSDP for Windows software with the capability to deal with cross sections of highways having different PL levels at left and right side of the center line of the route. The latest version of this software is 12.0 .
The CSDP-Scene software can be used to work with the 3d models of route or site already created in either of CSDP-Series applications software such as CSDP for Windows, CSDP-CD for Windows, CSDP+ for Windows, and CSDPMAP for Windows. You can use this software to make a simulation of a walk through along a route or site.

In years 2013-2014 , CSDP-Pro for Windows , the fifth generation of CSDP applications software was developed. Two of the most important features in this new generation are about Plan mode, and also automatic design of longitudinal project line.

For further information on each of these activities please refer to the sections Activities or Products.

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