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"CSDP+ for Windows" is the new generation for the former "CSDP for Windows" application. The most important feature in CSDP+ is the capability to work with highway sectional templates having two different project levels at left and right side of the route’s center line. In the past, an application software was developed under DOS operating system named as "CSDP Highway 3.00" for the same purpose. All the capabilities and features of that application along with many more are added in “CSDP+ for Windows” application.

Though in the previous "CSDP for Windows" generation, there were options to deal with simple designs of highway templates, however to work with other types of highway designs, it was required to work with the DOS version application as the supplementary module. As Windows operating system became more and more popular, there was a need for a new generation with the same capabilities and options under Windows operating system.

To distinguish between former types of highway templates in "CSDP for Windows" application and new types of highway templates added in CSDP+ for Windows", the former ones are named as "Simple highway" templates, and new ones as "Extended highway" templates. The "Extended highway" template has four major difference comparing to "Simple highway" template.

Contents :

•  Extended highway type
•  Other features added in the new version
•  Two project lines for left and right routes
•  Two horizontal alignments for left and right routes
•  Increasing number of bands in “Extended highway” template
•  Possibility to analyze left and right cross sections as separated or combined
•  Added features in version 9.22
•  Added features in version 9.35
•  Added features in version 9.57
•  Added features in version 9.75
•  Added features in version 9.79
•  Added features in versions 9.89 up to 9.92
•  Added features in versions 9.95 up to 9.97
•  Added features in version 9.98
•  Added features in version 10.3
•  Most important features Added in version 10.7
•  Most important features Added in version 10.7
•  Added features with regarding CSDP-Books
•  Most important features Added in version 11.5
•  Proposed Volumetric Calculation Formula In Cost-Estimate Book of 1399, 1400
•  Most important features Added in version 12.0
•  New Features for Design Standards 800
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