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Added features in version 9.79

  • Possibility to have customized separated formula files CSDPCALC.CFG for each project file
  • Possibility to import bridges and bench marks data from Microsoft Excel files
  • New items to control color, size, thickness etc. properties of different items in cross section shape, longitudinal profile when printing/plotting
  • Possibility to save as a project under earlier versions of CSDP+ application software (9.51, 9.56, 9.57, 9.60, 9.61, 9.62, 9.65, 9.66, 9.75)

  • New items as ‘Section’s Optionals” to control different parameters of a cross section template
  • A new option to control minimum height of the last berm (stair) in excavation condition

  • Possibility to have widening at both sides of the road at the same time
  • Possibility to define new range of gradients in form of percentages groups for “Route Gradient Analysis”
  • Possibility to create new bridges and to edit or delete existing bridges graphically in “Profile and Sections” mode
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  • Possibility to have x, y plan coordinates of center line of route in every cross section shape
  • Possibility to delete second ground information in “Batch Section Information” dialog box
  • Possibility to have dynamic points in URSD points definition to be combined with basic points derived from normal section templates
  • Possibility to select a printer when printing results or project data
  • A Backup for a project file is automatically created when you open a project file.
  • Possibility to interpolate devers like widths when calculation of devers based on horizontal curves is disabled
  • The dever value is shown on the cross section shape in Normal mode and Profile and Sections mode.
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Added features in versions 9.89 up to 9.92

  • Three methods of calculation in gradient analysis named as Piecewise, Renewal, and Fractal, and possibility to specify a boundary limit in gradient analysis
  • Displaying sectional gradient values based on the three methods of Piecewise, Renewal and Fractal on cross section shape in Normal mode, and Profile and Sections mode
  • Possibility to specify a section name in sixth column when using TotalStation format to import ground data
  • Possibility to have excess width for guard rail when using Case B in embankment
  • Possibility to interpolate new cross sections when analyzing longitudinal profile for starting and ending points of tunnels, galleries and special bridges
  • Possibility to delete newly interpolated cross sections for starting and ending points of tunnels, galleries, and special bridges in Batch Section Information dialog box
  • Possibility to export ground data in Chainage format
  • Possibility to include or exclude items to be printed for horizontal and vertical arcs information
  • Possibility to use automatic scale as the second scale for cross section shapes and longitudinal profile
  • Possibility to have negative retraction lengths for horizontal arcs with proration
  • New profile layouts for pipe line projects

  • Displaying curves information and devers information for horizontal arcs in Profile and Sections mode, same as in DXF output, and also reporting and marking inconsistent arcs in a list
  • New tools in bruckner mode for moving around and focusing on an extreme point

  • Displaying kilometer (distance from origin) of intersection points of balance lines (minimum, equal) with bruckner curve
  • Bruckner report for all segments, categorized, summarized, and between each two dump/borrow definition, volumes, costs

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  • Possibility to combine different dumps and borrows, for 10 dumps/borrows up to 1024 combinations and sorting them to find the least cost case
  • Possibility to move back and forth quickly in Results mode for very large projects having thousands of cross sections
  • Tools to design compound curves having intermediate spiral curves between two or more circular curves known as ESC curves

  • Up to 10 different types of ESC curves included named as ESCRS (Reverse curve, simple), ESCRC (Reverse curve, compound), ESCOI (One compound, Inward), ESCOO (One compound, Outward), ESCTL (Two compounds, Larger transition), ESCTS (Two compounds, Smaller transition), ESCTM (Two compounds, Medium transition), ESCTH (Three compounds), ESCCI (Complex, Inward), and ESCCO (Complex, Outward)
  • A new object snap named as IP to snap to the ip point of an spiral object
  • Possibility to have compound spirals (spiral between two circular curves) in Automatic Plan
  • A new property for Extended highway cross section templates to join the inner edges of the two sides (when PL are different) with a straight line and one slope instead of normally two lines having two different slopes
  • Displaying coordinates of intersection points of ground and project in every cross section on cross section shape in Normal mode and Profile and Sections mode
  • Possibility to specify heights in Case B of embankment to be considered from the bottom instead of the top

  • Possibility to use Shift/Reverse project in Extended highway profile type
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