Rah AFzar Tarh
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- Constructing combined cross sections based on separated horizontal alignments of left and right routes
- A new template named as “Extended highway” type
- Increasing number of bands in “Extended highway” templates
- Possibility to define two longitudinal project lines for left and right routes
- Possibility to specify project levels at left and right side of a cross section separately
- Possibility to specify distance between two PLs in “Extended highway” template
- Possibility to analyze left and right cross sections as combined or separated
- Increasing number of pavement layers (two binder layers, two black base layers, two base layers, and two sub-base layers) and
calculation area of each layer and length of required tack coats separately
- Possibility to define different kilometers for left and right sides of a cross section, and possibility to specify dominating side of
cross sections kilometers for volumetric calculations (left, right or both sides)
- Possibility to specify side of tunnel or bridge (left,right or both sides) in “Extended highway” template
- Possibility to change any parameters of a cross section template as “Optionals”
- Possibility to import old input files of “DOS version” of CSDP-Highway application and changing to “CSDP+ for Windows” format
- Possibility to create 3d model of route having “Extended highway” sectional template
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- Adding a toolbar to “Normal” mode to access dialog boxes easily
- Writing coordinates of points of ground, road, constructed, second ground at every cross section in “Normal”
mode or “Profile and sections” mode
- Displaying calculated area and length items for every cross section in “Normal” mode
- Possibility to define widths and devers of cross section template as “Optionals”
- Possibility to permanent saving of changed values of
area and length items in “Results” mode, even after reanalysis of cross sections
- Possibility to export created 3d model to “CSDP-Scene”
- Possibility to display and print tunnel shape in cross
sections and longitudinal profile and also changing cross section zones accordingly
- Possibility to extend binder, black base, and base layers beneath the shoulder
- and ...............................
