- Possibility to calculate project costs based on Macro Costs-Estimate Books of years 1399, 1400
- Possibility to have new features in Farsi language in "New Undocumented Features" dialog box
- Possibility to open Reference manual outside of the program using a new utility named as "CSDP-Books"
- Possibility to copy and merge constructed section points with ground section points
- Possibility to design rigid pavements using JPCP/JRCP methods
- Possibility to design U-Turn curves, with or without spirals
- Possibility to consider only a portion or multiple portions of a route in calculations of macro costs-estimates
- Possibility to apply lateral shift to points of ground section and second ground section
- Possibility to calculate undercut and overcut for tunnels
- Possibility to specify a text factor when using direct printing/plotting for adjusting text sizes making suitable for PDF
- Possibility to calculate compaction layers areas based on offset method
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- Considering new design considerations of Standards 800
- Considering new graphs for Trailer truck 140 lb/hp speed analysis for climbing lanes
- Including New tables for radius-dever analysis in Standards 800
- Four new design vehicles; Trailer truck type I, Trailer truck type II, Trailer truck type III, and Car-boat trailer
- Possibility to automatically fill K values in Speed-K table regarding the stopping sight distances and passing sight distances
- Access to all tables of Standards 800
- Possibility to have divison ratio for proration length in horizontal curves
- Possibility to have different kinds of widening side and value in horizontal curves
- Possibility to specify From and To limits in "Pavement Layers Specifications" dialog box in new form of road section template point index along
with positive or negative offset; CL+1; CL+2,0.7; CL+1,-0.5; CL+2,2A etc. for all profile types except "Extended highway" profile type and
in form of PL+1; PL-2; PL+3,0.7; PL-2,-0.5; PL+2,3B etc. for "Extended highway profile type
- Possibility to have pavement layer under passage band in type C of "Extended highway" profile type
- All templates of Standards 800 such as L1 to L4, C1 to C4, A1 to A4 and F1 to F4
- Possibility to consider new grades ranges of Standards 800 in gradient analysis