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Most important features Added in Release 11.0
Road/Highway Design Controls/Checkings by Standards
Possibility to specify basic design parameters
Possibility to change basic design parameters along the route
A new dialog box named as "Design Assistant" to facilitate design controls/checkings
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Design Controls/Checkings for horizontal alignment of a route:
Checking minimum horizontal curve radius
Checking minimum required proration length in horizontal curves
Checking maximum horizontal curve radius indicating whether spiral transition curve is needed
Checking minimum spiral length based on formula
Checking minimum spiral length based on minimum required proration length
Checking maximum spiral length based on formula
Checking Lt length before the starting spiral or after the ending spiral
Checking ratio of radiuses in compound circular curves
Checking total length of compound circular curve
Checking straight part length required between reverse curves (absolute value)
Checking straight part length required between reverse curves (suitable value)
Checking minimum straight part length in broken-back curves
Checking for no horizontal curve needed condition
Checking minimum length of horizontal curve
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Design Controls/Checkings in vertical alignment of a route:
Checking maximum grade (slope) of project line and determining the maximum slope automatically
Checking minimum grade (slope) of project line
Checking minimum vertical curve length required and automatic design of vertical curves
Checking vertical curve length by stopping sight distance
Checking vertical curve length by passing sight distance
Checking maximum grade of project line inside tunnels (absolute value)
Checking maximum grade of project line inside tunnels (suitable value)
Analysis and calculations of critical slope lengths required for climbing lanes
Analysis and calculations regarding sight obstructions for edges cuttings in cross sections
Analysis and calculations of passing forbidden parts regarding horizontal curves
Checking for horizontal curves not overlapped
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Other Important Features Added In This Version
Possiblity to design and drawing of a variety of serpentine curves including Symmetrical, Assymmetrical, Full serpentine and Half serpentine
Creation of one text object as paragraph containing horizontal curves information for each IP while extracting profile and sections along a route automaically
Automatic creation of route's information icon containing all extracting parameters for every extracted route
Possibility to restationing a route changing kilometers/hectometers along with horizontal curves information when editing a route polyline using PEDIT command with new sub-command "S to Stationing"
Possibility to specify a new name when copying complex objects having major and minor attached objects
Possibility to select icons by their importance factors
Displaying of design controls/checkings icons both in plan and Profiler window
Possibility to create user comments icons in Profiler window in design control
Displaying of critical slope length parts and climbing lanes regions in Profiler window
Displaying edge cuttings regions along with required edge cutting values for every cross section in Profiler window
Displaying of passing forbidden parts in Profiler window
Possibility to calculate minimum radius and minium proration length automatically in "Horizontal Curves Information" dialog box
Displaying of basic design parameters icons in "Horizontal Curves Information", "Line of Project", and "Cross Section Information" dialog boxes
Possibility to ask for all design controls/checkings for an existing route at once using Batch process
A new selection mode named as "Narrow mode" for filtering objects in a selection set
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