CSDPMAP for Windows
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Most important features Added in version 15.0
Possibility to calculate route costs based on Macro Costs-Estimate Books of years 1399, 1400
Possibility to have new features in Farsi language in "New Undocumented Features" dialog box
Possibility to read LAS points format data files along with reading points' colors information
Possibility to view Fractals Surface with original points colors instead of normal topography bands colors when data file has LAS format
A new program named as "CSDPMAP Extended" that can consume more memory useful especially when working with "Fractals Surface"
A new selection method to ease the task of selecting cells in taking image from Google maps or cropping an image
Possibility to open Reference manual outside of the program using a new utility named as "CSDP-Books"
Possibility to have GIS fields names in Farsi and also entering Farsi data in GIS fields
New mechanism named "GIS Dictionary" for having GIS fields names and layer names in Farsi
Possibility to have fixed frames when printing/plotting
Possibility to design U-Turn curves, with or without spirals
Possibility to specify source of points when creating "Fractals Surface" as LIDAR or DRONE, and also possibility to display "Fractals Surface" segments as Line or Box
A new HINGE mode in PEDIT command that considers vertices as joints enabling rotation of line segments with respect to each other
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Possibility to consider only a portion or multiple portions of a route in calculations of macro costs-estimates
A new feature named as "Map Segmentation" for automatically finding boundaries in a Map object based on boundary colors and converting then to polylines using new MAPSEG command
Possibility to have Map objects as complex objects just like complex polyline objects (Major/Minor attached objects)
A new MAPBP command to draw boundary polyline of a Map object
Possibility to define insertion location of GIS fields data for every drawing object separately
New patterns for dynamic hatches in HATCH command
Possibility to have geology types in any region at any point in IRAN country based on extracted data from the image of "Geological Map of IRAN 2014, scale: 1:1,000,000" published by "IRAN Geological Survey Organization"; creating different hatches along with description using new GEOTYPE command
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Possibility to display geology types along the route at any point in IRAN country in Profiler mode
A new GeoType tracking mode to find geology type at any point in IRAN country while moving mouse
A new mechanism to derive points of different soils classification layers and create required SCP file for CSDP-Pro application
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New Features for Design Standards 800
Considering new design considerations of Standards 800
Considering new graphs for Trailer truck 140 lb/hp speed analysis for climbing lanes
Including New tables for radius-dever analysis in Standards 800
Four new design vehicles; Trailer truck type I, Trailer truck type II, Trailer truck type III, and Car-boat trailer
Possibility to have divison ratio for proration length in horizontal curves
Possibility to consider new grades ranges of Standards 800 in gradient analysis
All route design controls support Standards 800 considerations
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