- Possibility to specify horizontal and vertical coverages for images in pixels when taking images from Google Maps
- Possibility to write Easting/Northing coordinates of bottom left corner for each image
- Possibility to define maximum duration for taking one image from Google Maps
- Possibility to set "Static map" parameter (a new method for storing image's data) when taking images from Google Maps
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- Possibility to define Clipping region for Map objects
- New parameters for Map objects such as Boundary lines, Rendering method (Transparent/Opaque), Resolution (256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8129), Quality (Ultimate, Excellent, Good, Acceptable) and new saving image's data named as "Static map"
- A new command named as CLIPMAPS to define clipping regions for multiple map objects with regarding to multiple closed polylines (frames) in one step
- Possibility to divide an image to smaller images with new command named CROPMAP
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Other Important Features In Version 12.0
- Possibility to use route polyline in interchange designing
- Possibility to see devers of left and right sides in "Cross Section Information" dialog box
- A new toolbar named "Tablet Useful Mouse Buttons and Keys" for working on Windows tablets
- A new command named as BPOLY to find a closed polyline bounded in some existing objects by a pick point
- A new utility named CSDP-Notes for gathering user's notes with regarding to different topics while working in CSDP-Pro
- Possibility to specify new Application, Topic, Category and Sub-Category in CSDP-Notes utility
- A new environment for playing multi-media contents named as "CSDPMAP MultiMedia Player"
- A very useful feature named as "Alternate selection" when selecting objects or working with object snaps using ALT key on the keyboard
- Possibility to read line of project data from CSDP, CSDP+, and CSDP-Pro projects
- Possibility to read horizontal curves information from CSDP, CSDP+, and CSDP-Pro projects
- In grading projects, possibility to define elevations of a closed polyline using a base elevation and a grade value and direction
- Possibility to specify filling/cutting ratio when finding Optimum level in grading projects
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- A new command named as PARCEL to divide a closed polyline to equal smaller parts along a direction
- Possibility to extract project line points around a region in grading projects automatically
- A new model for displaying topography bands in Fractals surface introduced as Fractals Surface Version 2.0
- A new feature named as "Synchronized Viewports" to have same views in different viewports as you pan or zoom
- Possibility to draw keyplan objects for existing frames using a new command named as KEYPLAN
- Possibility to re-extracting profile and sections along a route when editing a route polyline using PEDIT command with a new sub-command named as "X to Extracting"
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- Possibility to display longitudinal profile of a changed part in real-time for a route polyline while moving the IP point to a new location in PEDIT command (dynamic done right)