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  • Mapping and design; creating topography maps in surveying projects; with full 3d capabilities;
  • CAD Drafting, for creation of engineering and architectural drawings;
  • Geographical Information Systems GIS) with full multimedia capabilities;
  • Route analysis and design, for roadways, railways, pipelines, and canal projects;
  • Compatibility with CSDP for Windows and CSDP-CD for Windows applications;
  • Creating presentations;
  • Iconic links to external resources;
  • Database compatibility with Microsoft Access® , ORACLE®, and ODBC (Generation 2)
  • Support Farsi word processing, with magnificent font shapes libraries.
    As always we try to achieve almost the best possible results,
    CSDPMAP is an application software comparable with each of the following systems:
  • SDRMAP®, Microstation® Roadwork,
  • AutoCAD®, MicroCAD®
  • COGO®, Civilsoft®
  • Microsoft PowerPoint®
  1. A comprehensive 32 bits system, running under Microsoft Windows, covering most useful features of each of the above mentioned individual applications, only in one application;
  2. Getting approach to a new horizon through ideals, by developing a new system;
  3. 100% compatibility with other CSDP application series; such as CSDP application (in road design projects) & CSDP-CD application (in Canal design projects)

CSDPMAP in a glance

New, Open, Save, Print, Fonts, Lock, UCS, Layers, Coordinates, Viewports, Zoom (In, Out);

Right panel:
TIN points, TIN points tracking, TIN triangles, TIN triangles tracking, Boundary lines, Break lines, Topography, Plan-profile tracking, Objects, Profiler, 3d Scene, Snap, Ortho, Grid, Color;

Draw objects panel:
Point, Line (Single, Double, Nuclear), Polyline (Sketch, Hatch, Ruler), Polygon, Circle, Ellipse, Donut (pie), Circular curve, Two centered circular curve, Three centered circular curve, Four centered circular curve, Reverse curves, Parabolic curve, Spiral curve, Cloverleaf curve, Broken-back curve, Text, Icon, Symbol, Map, Block, Dimensioning, Cube, Cylinder, Cone, Sphere, Torus, 3D extrude, 3D rotate, 3D loft, 3D sweep, 3D mesh, 3D route;

Modify objects panel:
Erase, Purge, Undo, Redo, Move, Copy, Multiple copy, Mirror, Rotate Scale, Matrix copy rectangular, Matrix copy polar, Fillet/Chamfer, Offset, Extend, Trim, Pivot, Polyline edit, Object properties wizard, Explode;

Object snap panel:
End, Middle, Center, Intersection, Perpendicular, Bisect, Insert, Quadrant, Tangent, Nearest;Inquiry panel: Point ID, Distance, Area, Grading Volume, Object information, Object coordinates;Four separated drawing windows (viewports); normal or full screen; has its own zoom/pan states up to 20 levels each.

Status/Command window at the bottom

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CSDPMAP and Mapping

One of the most useful drawing objects of CSDPMAP is the Map object. This object enables you to work actually on the maps.

What is a Map object?

  1. An imported file with one of the formats BMP, WMF, GIF, or JIFF, which is embedded in the mapping project.
  2. Scaleable; by defining the width of the Map object. Thus if you specify, for example, 1000m as the width of your Map object, all distances on the map, are measured relative to this value.
  3. Inserted at a specific coordinates; enables you to work with actual coordinates of points, while working on the Map object.
  • Any number of Map objects, can be defined in a project.
  • All editing and modifying commands can be applied to Map objects too.

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There are six types of separated drawing items. Each viewport is capable of displaying one or more of the following items: TIN points (DTM points); TIN triangles (triangulation is done based on the Triangulated Irregular Network method); Topography map (contour lines), based on the TIN triangles, boundary lines, and break lines; Drawing objects; Capability to control the color, linetype, size, and shape of any drawing items and drawing objects; Capability to convert TIN points, TIN triangles, contour lines, and longitudinal profiles (in profiler) to drawing objects; It gives you the capability to modify the resulting maps, even more.

Capability to read external files, having data of surveying points; supporting up to 52 various formats as follows :
CSDPMAP format, SDRMAP format, SDRMAP contour format, CGP survey format, CGP xyz format, Civilsoft format, DIGICAD format, Geotop format, Strada format, and most important one, AutoCAD DXF Format, and of course more

  • Possibility to sort and filter TIN points before and after triangulation;
  • In working with TIN points and TIN triangles, you have both graphical and database editing tools;
  • CSDPMAP TIN points database, and TIN triangles database can be accessed easily; CSDPMAP does DDE to Microsoft Excel®;
  • TIN points, TIN triangles, boundary lines, and break lines all can be enabled or disabled. In case of a disabled item, the item is disregarded during the processes.

    Tracking System

  • Beside system's databases, there is a tracking system, which enables you to graphically locate items, and apply the required modifications;
  • TIN points tracking, enables you to locate TIN points, giving you the information about the TIN points, and you can disable or enable them;
  • TIN triangle tracking, enables you to locate triangles, giving you the possibility to disable or enable them, along with other modifications like triangles swapping;
  • Boundary lines (included or excluded) and break lines can be enabled or disabled;

All changes in triangles, and break lines, reflects the results in the associated contour lines immediately.
For contour lines, you have the option of defining major and minor increments, and smoothing curve options.

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CSDPMAP is an application versatile in the following domains:

  • In CAD drafting, for creating engineering and architectural drawings;
  • In mapping of small scale projects;
  • In mapping of large scale projects; you can use CSDPMAP to read points from aerial photographs by establishing links to photogrametry apparatus;
  • In making presentations;
  • In developing a GIS system with multimedia capabilities;
  • In Route analysis and design, 100% compatibility with CSDP for Windows, and CSDP-CD for Windows applications.
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