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Grading Feature

  • Possibility to have different sets of TIN points as surface model using Revisions
  • Each of these sets can be used as a surface model
  • For each set a surface model is constructed by triangulation and then creating topography (contour lines)
  • Up to 10 different revisions can be defined in a mapping project
  • Each revision may have a specific color, and can be activates or deactivated for triangulation
  • It is possible to calculate areas and volumes between two surface models. Each of these surface models can be based on revisions, or closed polygons. The polygons are considered as Finished surfaces

  • As a result of grading, the entire region is divided to cells, and for each cell, cut/fill values, nodes’ elevations, are calculated and displayed.
  • Size of these texts and associated colors can be specified for cut/fill values, nodes’ elevations, grid horizontal and vertical coordinates etc.
  • Each cell can be hatched to display one of the four cases of entirely in cut, entirely in fill, partially in fill F> C, and partially in cut C > F
  • The results of grading can be placed in different drawing layers created automatically or specified by user
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New Features in Version 3.00

  • New fantsasy forms are added to draw texts
  • A new command named as Palette to assign spectrum colors to selected objects
  • Possibility to group TIN points in form of Revisions and creating individual surface models for each revision
  • Possibility to draw serpentine curves, and spiral curves having a zero length circular part
  • A new special effect for polylines named as “Route” demanding a new concept of Complex objects
  • A new special effect for polylines named as “Frame” that can be used during printing/plotting process. All relevant texts of TIN points including codes, names, elevations are rotated with respect to frame angle
  • A new tool named as “Slider” to view and check same level TIN points
  • A new feature in grading to find the optimum level of a platform to balance cut and fill values considering a user specified ratio
  • Possibility to create polylines automatically based on specific TIN point codes, names, or numbers with new commands named as Polycode, Polyname, and Polynumber
  • Possibility to erase selected TIN items including TIN points, TIN triangles, and TIN break lines
  • A new set of selecting options when selecting TIN points, based on codes, names, numbers, coordinates, disabled ones, etc. when editing or deleting TIN points

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  • Possibility to interpolate and create new TIN points based on three methods of linear between two selected existing TIN points, in a region based on multiple selected TIN points, and based on a radii and a center point
  • Possibility to move or copy TIN points by selecting TIN points and then specifying required translation values in each of the x, y, z coordinates
  • AutoCAD line types are added in CSDPMAP and can be used in the same way
  • Possibility to make grids of coordinates for frames along with x, y texts using one command
  • A new option named as “Automatic plan” to draw a route’s plan based on a text file of data consisting of IP coordinates and corresponding spiral-circular properties same as in CSDP, CSDP+, CSDP-CD application softwares
  • Possibility to view longitudinal profile of different extracted routes at the same time in Profiler
  • Possibility to copy selected objects using TIN points as the destination point using a new command named as TINCopy; For example to copy a symbol to all TIN points having an R2 code, this can be done in one command
  • Possibility to have combined snapping to objects modes when drawing or editing

CSDPMPL in New Version:

CSDPMPL macro programming language is revamped in new version. Many new commands, syntaxes and statements are added in new version of this language, along with new syntaxes to work with object properties

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New Features in Version 5.00

  • Possibility to have two access levels of User and Administrator when working in CSDPMAP
  • Possibility to protect a project using one of the two schemes of Basic protection or Enhanced protection
  • Possibility to create project backups
  • A new functionality named as TurboEngine for fast redrawing and zoom/pan operations
  • Mousewheel is supported for pan and zoom operations
  • A new tool named as IntelliMouse for flying over the map

  • A new command named as SCARIFY for drawing stairs in inclined lines
  • A new option for undoing in SKETCH command
  • A new command named as BREAK for breaking polylines to two at the breaking point
  • A new mode named as Hook mode to auto-insert vertices in polylines when drawing or in editing commands such as TRIM or EXTEND
  • Possibility to reverse a polyline’s vertices
  • Possibility to select TIN points using Lasso method
  • Possibility to display direction of water flow based on topography of region
  • Possibility to colorize map based on topography levels

  • Possibility to export drawing objects to CSDP, CSDP+, CSDP-CD as plan objects
  • Possibility to draw spiral curves having angles more than 180 degrees for drawing loops
  • Increasing number of extracted points at each side to 48 points
  • Possibility to export results of grading in different forms to Microsoft Excel
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