- Sight obstruction checking at edges in cross sections with regarding to horizontal curves, eye height, design speed and project lines grades
- Analysis and calculations of edge cuttings in cross sections due to sight obstruction checkings
- Displaying of passing forbidden regions in both longitudinal profile and cross sections
- Displaying of edge cutting regions due to sight obstruction checkings both in longitudinal profile and cross sections
- Displaying of edge cutting values required due to sight obstruction at every point along longitudinal profile
- Printing of passing forbidden regions and edge cutting regions and required values at every cross section
- Applying edge cuttings for cross sections in excavation condition using the simplest technique by assigning a first berm with a negative width value
- Applying edge cuttings for cross sections in embankment condition using URSD merging technique
- New considerations for pavement design standards 234e1
- Possibility to use new axial load equivalent factors recommended in new pavement design standards
- Possibility to use new formulas presented for calculating a1, a2 and a3 values in pavement design
- Possibility to use new formula given for calculating SN parameter
- Possiblity to design and drawing of a variety of serpentine curves including Symmetrical, Assymmetrical, Full serpentine and Half serpentine
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New calculated area and length items in cross sections:
- Extra cut area with regarding to depth considerations XCUTA
- Extra cut area im mud with regarding to depth considerations XCUTMA
- Extra cut area in soft soil with regarding to depth considerations XCUTSA
- Extra cut area in hard soil with regarding to depth considerations XCUTHA
- Extra cut area in rock with regarding to depth considerations XCUTRA
- Extra cut area in rock required explosives with regarding to depth considerations XCUTXA
- Length of segments having slope in excavation condition STRNHL
Displaying and printing of edge cutting and cleaning areas in plan view to calculate minimum required distance to roadside obstacles
- Possibility to control the distance of each step's wall to new embankment edge in scarification for renewing projects
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- Possibility to specify new symbols and variables when writing forumula in CSDPCALC.CFG file
- Possibility to include or exclude gradient analysis when analysing longitudinal profile along the route
- Possibility to jump quickly to different cross sections in Normal mode
- Possibility to use AASHTO standards instead of standards 415 when calculating K values for vertical curves in crest for calculating passing sight distances
- Possibility to have scarification in the entire width of the cross section
- Possibility to specify zero area and length values for left or right side in all profile types
- Possibility to specify "Include pavement" condition for points of constructed sections in "Batch Section Information" dialog box
- Possibility to rename cross sections having "Reference" zone flag in pipe line projects automatically in "Batch Section Information" dialog box
- Possibility to delete cross sections in special cases in "Batch Section Information" dialog box
- Possibility to change elevations of constructed section points in one step in "Batch Section Information" dialog box
- Possibility to view and editing three patterns of project line points at the same time
- Possibility to have individual descriptions for bridges defined by $ technique using a newly added feature named "Inline descriptions"
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- Possibility to specify some parameters of Extended highway profile type in Normal mode such as Individual, Tunnel side, Bridge side, and "Check center"
- A new window for displaying analysed cross section shapes in Normal mode for "Extended highway" profile type
- Possibility to view other profile type cross section shapes for "Extended highway" profile type in new cross section window
- Two new tools in new cross section window for "Extended highway" profile type named "Link" and "Sync"
- Possibility to merge individual and not individual parts of the route in "Extended highway" profile type in one project file only using a new feature called "Concatenate projects"
- A new profile layout when making profile DXF named "Variety G" in pipe line projects
- Possiblity to print K values for vertical curves in longitudinal profile
- Possibility to display and print New jersy icon instead of guard rail icon at median in "Extended highway" profile type
- Possibility to print cross sections selectively by partial distances
- Possibility to view corresponding object in Plan mode when jumping to different objects in "Objects Specifications" dialog box
- Possibility to specify different filters such as objects types and objects groups when jumping to different objects in "Objects Specifications" dialog box
- Possibility to exporting coordinates of boundary lines in embankment and excavation conditions when creating DXF of plan
- Possibility to print elevation values of boundary lines in embankment and excavation conditions when creating DXF of plan
- A new toolbar named "Tablet Useful Mouse Buttons and Keys" for working on Windows tablets
- A new utility named CSDP-Notes for gathering user's notes with regarding to different topics while working in CSDP-Pro
- Possibility to specify new Application, Topic, Category and Sub-Category in CSDP-Notes utility