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Added features in version 10.00

Calculation of all area and length items based on Constructed Section

  • In addition to ConC and ConF in previous versions, all different area and length items including different layers of compaction, classified cutting areas due to different types of soils, CF lengths, CC and trench lengths, areas of different pavement layers, etc. now are calculated based on constructed section points
  • Increasing number of points for constructed section points from 20 to 40
  • Possibility to define the first 7 points at each side of a constructed section as “Pavement Indicating” point
  • Possibility to calculate total area and length values along with constructed section values in section analysis
  • Possibility to display both total area and length values and constructed area and length values in two separate tables at the same time in Displaying Results mode
  • Possibility to print constructed area and length values via Print Template dialog box
  • Possibility to define constructed area and length values as sections optionals or by Manual Area dialog box for Extended Highway profile type
  • Possibility to specify constructed area and length texts when printing cross sections via “Section Texts” dialog box

  • Possibility to export constructed area and length values to Microsoft Excel for cost-estimate

  • Possibility to define new formulas based on constructed area and length values in CSDPCALC.CFG file
  • Possibility to move IP point in Profile and Sections mode with two new buttons named as “y,sp” and “y,ss” based on elevation of point and one of the predecessor or successor slopes
  • Possibility to display elevation difference of project and ground along the route in Profile and Sections mode
  • Possibility to control visible columns in Displaying Results mode, and also selecting items for exporting to Microsoft Excel in Displaying Results mode with the help of new "Results Settings” dialog box

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  • Possibility to calculate extra width required for horizontal arcs automatically based on Standards no. 415, basic design speed, radius and also design vehicle
  • A new bridge type named as Underpass is added and possibility to define span length (width) for Underpass and Overpass bridge types

  • A new tunnel type named as Tunnel Type V in cross section shapes
  • Direct access to Optionals Sections Information dialog box in normal mode and Profile and Sections mode

  • Possibility to display elevation difference of project and ground along the route in Profile and Sections mode

  • Possibility to sketch route’s plan (horizontal alignment) in Automatic Plan based on different output scales of 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000 and 1:50000, and adjusting text sizes accordingly by using new "Automatic Plan Text Sizes” dialog box for specifying text sizes for "IP Legends", "Route Stationings", "Kilometers", "Hectometers", "AutoText$$", and "Azimuth, Lengths" items
  • Possibility to have elevation difference between ground and subgrade instead of ground and project in longitudinal profile shape both when displaying in Profile and Sections mode and in printing
  • Grouping different texts in Automatic Plan based on the scale used

  • Possibility to make visible or invisible objects drawn with different scales using new "Scaled Plot" check boxes in Plan mode

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Plan mode in CSDP-Pro

The plan mode in CSDP-Pro has changed entirely in such a way that drawing and editing in this mode now is similar to CSDPMAP, or AutoCAD.

In this regard some of the capabilities of CSDPMAP for Windows application regarding CAD drafting has brought into CSDP-Pro plan mode.

Among these capabilities three of the most important ones are:

  • Drawing commands by mouse-key combination along with simultaneous displaying of drawn objects
  • Editing commands by mouse-key combination along with simultaneous displaying of drawn objects
  • Using objects snaps effectively in drawing and editing command and also filtering tools for x and y coordinates

Automatic Design of Project Line for Roads and Railways

One the most important features in CSDP-Pro is the capability to design the project line for different kinds of roads and railway automatically.
In this regard, based on the specified parameters such as minimum and maximum slope (grade), minimum radius of vertical arcs, minimum elevation difference for considering bridge or tunnel, etc. and also ground shape, CSDP-Pro checks different alternatives for finding the routes with lowest costs and present them as best designed routes.

In this regard, many reports are generated to compare and check the results of automatic project line designing.

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Other features added in the new version

  • A new To do list item in Project Defintion dialog box that user can be filled by user with required information about the tasks must be done on this project. This way, whenever the project file is opened the contents of the To do list field will be shown automatically.
  • Possibility to create a surface named as Contour Surface for displaying purposes in Plan mode only. This surface can be created based on an existing topography map in form of AutoCAD drawing.


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