- Possibility to move IP point in Profile and Sections mode with two new buttons named y,sp and y,ss
- Possibility to display elevation difference of ground and project along the logitudinal profile shape in Profile and Sections mode
- Possibility to include/excluded area and length items in Results mode for displaying and for exporting to Excel using new "Results Settings" dialog box
- Possibility to display elevation difference between ground and subgrade instead of ground and project along the longitudinal profile in Profile and Sections mode
- Possibility to draw route's plan with different scales when using "Automatic Plan" in Plan mode
- Possibility to define text sizes in different scales 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:25000, and 1:50000 in new "Automatic Plan Text Sizes" dialog box for different plan items such as Kilometers, Hectometers, Route Stationings, IP Legends, AutoTexts $$, Azimuths and Lengths
- Automatically grouping plan objects created with different scales in "Automatic Plan"
- Showing/Hiding routes created with different scales using new scale checkboxes named as "Scaled plots" in Plan mode
- Sight obstruction checkings and analysis at edges in cross sections with regarding to horizontal curves, design speed, project line grade and eye height
- Analysis and calculations of edge cuttings in cross sections due to sight obstruction checkings
- Displaying of passing forbidden regions in both longitudinal profile and cross sections
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- Displaying of edge cutting regions due to sight obstruction checkings both in longitudinal profile and cross sections
- Displaying of edge cutting values required due to sight obstruction at every point along longitudinal profile
- Printing passing forbidden regions and edge cutting regions and required values at every cross section
- Applying edge cuttings for cross sections in excavation condition using the simplest technique by assigning a first berm with a negative width value
- Applying edge cuttings for cross sections in embankment condition using URSD merging technique
- New considerations for pavement design standards 234e1
- Possibility to use new axial load equivalent factors recommended in new pavement design standards
- Possibility to use new formulas presented for calculating a1, a2, and a3 values in pavement design
- Possibility to use new formula given for calculating SN parameter
- Possibility to design and drawing of a variety of serpentine curves including Symmetrical, Assymmetrical, Full serpentine and Half serpentine
- Possibility to include or exclude gradient analysis when analysing longitudinal profile along the route
- Possibility to jump quickly to different cross sections in Normal mode
- Possibility to use AASHTO standards instead of standards 415 when calculating K values for vertical curves in crest for calculating passing sight distances
- Possibility to change elevations of constructed sections in one step in "Batch Section Information" dialog box
- A new toolbar named "Tablet Useful Mouse Buttons and Keys" for working on Windows tablets
- A new utility named CSDP-Notes for gathering user's notes with regarding to different topics when working in CSDP
- Possibility to specify new Application, Topic, Category and Sub-category in CSDP-Notes utility