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CSDP Scene for Windows
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3D features

  • Camera location and focus points along with a variety of lens
  • Using different interpolating schemes for altering 3d mesh of ground such as BSpline, Bezier, Beta, and having 3d topography lines
  • Lights location and focus points, type, color and intensity
  • Possibility to render 3d models as Wireframed, Painted, and full rendering
  • Possibility to create bitmap and Windows Meta file from images of the 3d model and printing
  • Possibility to define a camera path along with lens and bank angle for walkthrough along a route or site
  • Possibility to create AVI video file of walkthrough to be viewed with Windows Media Player
  • Option of having framed, hidden meshes when using full rendering
  • Possibility to have contour lines for every 3d object using different color palettes named as 128 grays, 24 hues @ 9 levels, Earth tones, Flesh tones, Pastels, Vivid colors, Rainbow, using Antialiasing technique


Options for working with frames

  • Possibility to locate camera and its focus points for every frame
  • Possibility to twist line of sight of camera for each frame or a range of frames
  • Possibility to adjust level of camera location and its focus point for each frame or a range of frames
  • Possibility to specify camera lens and bank angle for each frame or a range of frames
  • Possibility to swap location and focus point of camera for each frame or a range of frames
  • Rendering method
  • Possibility to add up to 9 text legends for every frame or a range of frames
  • Possibility to add symbolic icons for each frame or a range of frames
  • Possibility to add a background image for the entire scene
  • Previewing frames one by one
  • Making a video file based on frames

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